puppy - Eyes of angel di Nepi

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Eyes Of Angel di Nepi Bedlington Terriers Puppy Questionnaire

In order to determine if a one of our Bedlington Terrier is the best fit for you and your family, it is important for us to learn about you, your goals and desires for your new puppy, and the environment into which one of our puppies will be placed.
This questionnaire is not intended to make you feel that our puppies are unobtainable; they are simply some basic questions that will help us place our puppies into the best possible homes and ensure that each individual puppy is matched with the right family.
Please note that while we appreciate the time each person takes to fill out this questionnaire, completing and submitting a questionnaire in no way guarantees that you will be added to our waitlist or receive a puppy from us.  This is a screening tool to help us get to know you, and ensure that each of our puppies is matched with the best possible family for its individual temperament, qualities and potential.
Upon receipt of your completed questionnaire, we will review your answers and reach out to you with next steps.
Completed questionnaires may be e-mailed back to us at info@eyesofangel.it
Section 1: Applicant/Family Information –
Please provide your full name, mailing address, telephone numbers (home, cell) and e-mail address.

Are you married?in a long-term relationship?single ?
Please provide the name(s) of any spouses, partners, or adult housemates that will be in consistent, direct contact with this puppy.



Section 2: Matchmaking Questions –

yesnomaybeI don't know

Section 3: Health/Training/Behavior Questions –



Section 4: Future Planning –

Section 5: References –


Section 6: Wrap-Up Questions –

Thank you for taking the time to complete our puppy questionnaire
We care about every puppy we bring into this world; they are part of our family.  We strive to place our puppies with people who are committed in sharing their companionship, and who will provide loving, lifelong homes for them.

01036 Nepi VT, Italia
Gabriele (+39)  334 9608012
Silvia      (+39)  339 2502965
Gabriele (+39)  334 9608012
Silvia      (+39)  339 2502965
01036 Nepi VT, Italia
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